ACTA Zonal Volleyball Championship, 2024

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By defeating Furkating College Teachers' Unit in a straight fight by scores of 15/13 and 15/7, Sarupathar College Teachers' Unit won the Golaghat Zone Volleyball Championship, 2024, which was hosted at Golaghat Commerce College on November 29th. From the league to the final game, Mr. Satyabrat Dutta, Dr. Ridip Khanikar, Dr. Prem Kanta and Mr. Hemanta Gogoi were named Man of the Match, respectively. Principal Dr. Prapti Thakur, Team Manager Mr. Pranjal Dutta, Head Coach Mr. Porag Bhuyan, Captain Mr. Prashant Poddar, and Unit Secretary Mr. Krishna Konwar thanked all the players and supporting staff on this tremendous victory.