Sarupathar college commerce stream has organised day long lecture session amongst the SHG members of west sarupathar gaon panchayat under south golaghat development block, sarupathar at the community hall, padumoni, sarupathar on 19-05-23.

Home >NewsEvent >Sarupathar college commerce stream has organised day long lecture session amongst the SHG members of west sarupathar gaon panchayat under south golaghat development block, sarupathar at the community hall, padumoni, sarupathar on 19-05-23.

Sarupathar college commerce stream has organised day long lecture session amongst the SHG members of west sarupathar gaon panchayat under south golaghat development block, sarupathar at the community hall, padumoni, sarupathar on 19-05-23.