Established: 2006
(Photo Galllery)
Established on 8th November, 2006 , with Ms. Sewali Devi as President and Ms. Moniprova Bora as Secretary, the Sarupathar College Women Cell (SCWC) has been undertaking a number of activities to create awareness on gender related issues and sensitise the different stakeholders of the institution to the effect. The cell is committed to the cause of gender equity and to provide a safe and congenial atmosphere to all stakeholders without any gender bias. The cell organizes programmes on themes like Rights of Women, Legal framework available to women, Human rights, Health and other themes of relevance in association with NGOs and legal professionals. The cell also promotes gender equity through co-curricular activities like workshops, seminars, guest lectures, vocational training through Women's cell, NSS and NCC.
Presently the President and Secretary of the Women Cell is Ms. Moniprova Bora and Dr. Bobita Dutta.
Gender sensitization Action Plan (General)
Gender awareness & sensitization has become a very important part of education globally. The college works as multipronged approach at creating equity among gender. Awareness, understanding and acceptance are the keys to achieving a gender parity society.
- To provide adequate safety & security and facilities for the special needs of women's/girls in the premises.
- To celebrate International Women's Day on themes that create awareness, understanding and acceptance of all genders as equal.
- To extend counselling services to needy students through Mentors/ professional counsellors.
- To sensitize the students on themes like gender equity, sexual harassment, health and hygiene through awareness programmes, workshops, rallies and seminars.
- To conduct the vocational training programmes to train the girl students to become young entrepreneurs.
- To provide with the Day care facility centre.
Gender sensitization Action Plan (Specific) for the session 2021-22
Since the college remained closed from 28th April, 2021 to 31st August, 2021 due to Covid Pandemic, the Cell could take up only a limited number of programmes. The Cell in its meeting on 11th January,2021 unanimously decided to undertake the following activities for the session 2021-22:
11th December : Awareness Programmes on Women Health and Hygiene
8th March, 2022 : International Women’s Day
24th March, 2022 : Orientation Programme for newly admitted students of BA/ B.Com and HS Classes
20th June, 2022: Bishnu Rabha Divas.
The college administration is committed to the cause of gender equity and to provide a safe and congenial atmosphere to all stakeholders without any gender bias. The following are the measures adopted by the administration:
- Boundary wall with barbed galvanized iron wire surmounted on top of the wall encompassing the campus which cannot be scaled easily.
- Security guards are deployed at the entrance to check and register unknown entrants/visitors with their ID cards. Students entering in and leaving the campus are monitored and the records of the same are maintained.
- CCTV cameras are installed in the campus to check the visitors to the college.
- Anti-ragging cell ensures no untoward incident takes place within the campus. Hoardings containing contact numbers of members of Anti-ragging cell are displayed at prominent places in the campus.
- Fire extinguishers are placed at strategic points within the campus to ensure fire safety.
- Adequate lighting facility is provided as required.
- Mock drills, workshops and awareness programs are conducted for Disaster Management for all students by the NSS wing of the college.
- Students are advised periodically to keep their ATM cards, cash and Laptops safely through assembly, students council and mentors.
- Purified drinking water is made available to all students.
- Incinerators are available to dispose sanitary napkins.
- Adherence to Code of conduct by the students is ensured by the discipline committee.
The college has a Medical Unit to take care of the medical / emergency needs of students / faculty. The college has a rapport with the nearby Sarupathar Hospital and the doctors and nurses of the hospital are available whenever required. The college also avails the 108 Emergency Response Service which is a free emergency service providing integrated medical, police and fire emergency services..
Separate common rooms are provided for both girls and boys to relax during the break hours. Such rooms contain all the facilities for taking rest when a students is sick. These rooms are also used to refresh during cultural events or other occasions.
Redressal Mechanism
- The college employs a multi-pronged approach to solicit grievances from the stakeholders. The students portal has provision for individual students to record their grievances to the college administration.
- In addition, the Students Council acts as the representative council of students. Students Union represent grievances of students in the meeting of Students Grievances redressal cell. The students council record the grievances and the grievances addressed / resolved in the meetings.
- The college has zero tolerance policy towards offences like ragging, caste-based discrimination and sexual harassment and is displayed at prominent places in the campus, handbook to students and the college website. The college has committees to address complaints related to the aforementioned offences.
- All committees meet and act as per policy mentioned in their policy document.
- Grievances on facilities and provisions, which involve finance are forwarded to the management for advise. Grievances that are technical in nature are redressed as per provisions allowed by the law, statutes or as per policy for redressal of such grievances.
- Stakeholders have the provision to escalate the grievances to the Principal if not satisfied with the resolution.