Name: Krishna Konwar C/O: Jugananda Konwar Date of Birth: 01/11/1988 Address: Vill: Bhatijalbhari, P.O: Dhakuakhana Dist: Lakhimpur Qualification: MA in Sociology,2012(Dibrugarh University),NET. Phone:8811819805 Teaching experience: 10 years
1."Gandhi's Approach of Sarvodoya and the Question of Marginalised class: A Study in the context of Peasent Movement with special references to the Role of KMSS" in D. Tamuli (edt.) Gandhian Thought and its Relevance in the Age of Globalisation ;
November, 2013
2."Problems of Women Empowerment in Rural India-A brief Analysis" in D. Dutta & T. Chutia(edt.) EXPLORATION ;
3." Identity crisis faced by the Mishing tribe of Assam-A Reflection" in G. Pathak, T.Chutia & B. Choudhury (edt.) Integrating the culture and socio-economic identity of India;
4."Mass Media in Social Change in present day society" in D. Dutta, D. J. Dutta & T.Chutia (edt.) INTROSPECTION;
5." A socio-economic and educational study on status of Muslim women at Manikpur village of Dhakuakhana Sub-Division in the district of Lakhimpur, Assam" in P. Gogoi & T.Chutia (edt.) Pragya Pratibimban;
September, 2014
6." An overview to finf out the causes of Assam-Nagaland border conflict in P.Gogoi & T.Chuta(edt.) ADHYATABYA;
7." Gender and Education among the Mishing Women of Assam: A case study at Dhakuakhana Sub-Division in Lakhimpur district of Assam" in R.Bordoloi & A. Bhattacharjee(edt.) Emerging Echoes';
Vol. iv, 2015
8." A sociological analysis about the women exploitation, trafficking and harassment as major social problems in present social context" in Forum for Research Journal ' ANUXANGA';
January, 2016
9."Semester System in Assam Colleges: Its Problems and Prospects" in R. Thengal, C. Wangsu & S. Tokbipi(edt.) ANUSANDHAN;
February, 2020
10. " Asomor Chutia Jonogusthir Dhormiyo Sthan Homuhor Ak Chomo Abolukon" in P.K Borah, A. Saikia & T. Chutia( edt.) Chutiya Community: Identity Crisi and Quest for Roots;
April, 2021
11." Women and Rural Development in Assam: A study from Socio-economic Perspective" in D. Borgohain, R. Thengal & C. Wangsu(edt.)ANUSANDHAN;
April, 2022
Edited book: ANUSANDHAN: A book on multidisciplinary research studies(September 2020),Ken Publication, Barpeta,Assam
Editors: Rajiv Thengal & Krishna Konwar
ISBN: 978-81-948218-1-6
1. Problems of Women Empowerment in Rural India-A brief Analysis in UGC sponsored National Seminar at Harhi College, Assam on 30th March 2013.
2. Poricoy Sonkotor Gorahot Asomor Mishinghokol: ak abolukon in UGC sponsored National Seminar at Harhi College, Assam on 31th March 2013.
3.Quality in Indian Higher Education in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Bajali College, Assam on 5th and 6th September 2013.
4. Gandhi's Approach of Sarvodoya and the Question of Marginalised class: A Study in the context of Peasent Movement with special references to the Role of KMSS in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at DKD College, Assam on 15th & 16th November 2013.
5. Social Exploitation and Harassment-Violation of Women Human Rights in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Bodoloni Centeral College, Assam on 27th & 28 April 2014.
6. Introduction of Semester System in Assam Colleges: Its Positive and Negative Impact in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at OPD College, Assam on 9th and 10th May 2014.
7. Role of Mass Media in Social Change in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Dikhowmukh College,Assam on 13th & 14th May 2014.
8. Role of Education in Sustainable Development in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at North Bank College,Assam on 11th & 12th September. 2014.
9.Assam-Nagalan Border Dispute: An Analysis to Find out the Causes in National Level Seminar at Sarupathar College,Assam on 29th & 30th September 2014.
10. A Sociological Analysis about the Socio-Cultural life of the Bodo Community of Assam in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at UMK College,Assam on 25th & 26th December 2015.
11. Role of Quality Education in Empowerment of Rural Women- A Study from Indlogical Perspective in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Dhakuakhana College,Assam on 17th &18 th June 2016.
12.Impact of Globalisation among the Mising Tribe of Assam- A Sociological Study in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya,Assam on 7th & 8th February 2018.
13. Socio-Economic Problems of Aged Women in Rural Assam-A Sociological Study in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar at Dhakuakhana College,Assam on 7th & 9th June 2019.
14.Assam-Nagaland Border Dispute: A study from Socio-Historical Perspective in ICSSR sponsored National Seminar at Dikhowmukh College,Assam on 23rd & 24th March,2022.
15. Role of Students of Assam in the Freedom Struggle of India with Special References to Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement in ICHR Sponsored National Seminar at Sarupathar College, Assam on 12th and 13th September,2022.
1. Participated Seven days National Workshop on Research Methodology in Social Science,organised by department of Sociology, Dibrgarh University from 23rd to 29th May 2016.
2.Participated one day State level workshop on CBCS, organised by HPB Girls College on April 25, 2019.
3.Participated Ten days National Faculty Awareness Programme on Research Methodology orgsnised by department of Education,Mazbat College from 31st May to 10th June 2020.
4. Participated Seven days National Workshop(FDP) on Research Ethics and Academic Writings in Social Science, organised by department of Sociology, Dhakuakhana College from 28th June to 4th July 2021.
5. Partcipated Two days state level workshop on Open and Distance Learning With Special Reference to SWAYAM and MOOCS, organised by Sarupathar College held on 1st and 2nd November 2021.