+91 8638171741
MA, M.Phil, Ph.D.

Dr. Prem Kanta Borah

HoD & Assistant Professor, Sociology


I have 14 years of teaching experience in this College and 7 years of Research experience during my M.Phil and Ph. D programmes. I have Life Time Membership (LM-25) of the journal ‘Emerging Trends in Development Research and Life Time Membership (LMI-4106) of the Indian Sociological Society and also a member of the Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti and Assam College Teachers’ Association. Besides, awarded of Teacher Fellowship under the Faculty of Development Programme during the 12th Plan Period in 2014, was awarded ‘all India Best Drama’ (a team member) on 23rd October 1996 in Cuttack (Orissa), participated in International Theatre Festival from 24 to 30th November 1996 at Orissa, awarded Silver Medalist in All Assam Open Kung-Fu Championship1994-95 at Sarupathar and awarded “Yogaguru” from Yoga physique Federation of India on 18th-20th July 2017 at Sarupathar.

Research Paper Published:

1.Inter-Ethnic Formations in the Diasporic North East India. Published in Emerging Trends in Development Research (Journal), Vol. 11(1&2): Meerut 
2. Ethnic Violence and the Anti-foreigners’ Movement in Assam, 2012’. Published in BEEKSAA(Journal), Vol. 8 , ISSN-2278-4128
3. Inter-ethnic Conflicts in Northeast India: A Brief Review published in BEEKSAA,Vol. 9 (Journal), ISSN-2278-4128
4. Ethnic Conflicts in North East India: A Study of the Garo and Rabha Communities. Published in ACTA JOURNAL (Peer Reviewed), ISSN-2229-693X
5. Emerging Trends of Research Methodology. Published in BEEKSAA, Vol. 12 (Journal)
6. Assam-Nagaland Border Conflict: A Case study of the Adivasi-Naga conflict in Dhansiri Sub-Division. Published in BEEKSAA, Vol. XIII (Journal), ISSN-2278-4128
7. Cultural Diversity, Religious Disparities and Ethnic Discontentment between the Hills and Plain Tribes in North- East India. Published in BEEKSAA, Vol. XIV ( Peer Reviewed Journal)
8. Illegal Immigration in Assam. Published in ACTA JOURNAL (Peer Reviewed), ISSN-2229-693X
9. Feminism: Issues and Trends. Published in Abhibyakti (Peer Reviewed Journal), ISSN- 2450-0546
10. Social Integration and Role of Namghar and other Cultural Practices: A Study on a Cluster of four Villages in Dhansiri Sub-division. Published in ACADEMIA (Peer Reviewed Journal), ISSN-2349-3445
11.The Ethnic Collage and Conflict issues in North East India. Published in IRJMST-An International Indexed Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN-2250-1959/2348-9367
UGC ID-47959
12. Imaginary Homeland and Ethnic Violence in North-East India: A Study on the Naga-Adivasi Conflict. Published in JETIR-An International Indexed Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal, ISSN-2349-5162, UGC Approve Journal No.-63975
13. Reverberations of the Anti-Foreigners' Movement in Assam. Published in PANCHOI, a peer reviewed journal, ISSN No.-2320-6306

Book Published:

1. Ethnic Conflicts in North East India (author)
2. Chutiya Community: Identity Crisis and Quest for Roots (editor)
3. Marginalization and Ethnic Conflict: The Case of the Rabhas of Assam (Chapter)
4. Migration and Assimilation: Society, Economy, Politics of Assam( chapter) 
5. Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts in North East India. ISBN No.-978-93-92483-05-9
6. Dynamics of Ethnic Groups and Conflicts in North East India: A Case Study of the Garo-Rabha Communities. ISBN No.-978-93-92483-04-2.
7. Indian Freedom Movement: Exploring Unsung Heroes of Assam (Editor).
 ISBN No. 978-93-92483-00-4.

Seminar/Conference Attended:

1. Attended UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Needs and Challenges of Resource Management in Higher Educational Institutions of India with Special Reference to North East on the 18th and 19th of September 2008.
2. Presented a paper on the title Ethnic Conflicts and National Integration in North-East India-Problems and Solutions in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Khagarijan College on the 24th and 25th of October 2008.
3. Presented a paper on "Immigration and Ethnic Tension: A Special Study on Bengali Muslims in Assam" in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Jorhat College on the 25th and 26th of September 2008.
4. Presented a paper on the Ethnic Structures of North-East India: An Overview in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Bikali College on 30th of December 2008.
5. Presented a paper on the title Understanding Conflicts Situation in North-East India for National Integration in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Nowgong Girls' College on 31st January and 1st February 2011.
6. Presented a paper on "Modernization and Its Impact on Handloom Industries in Assam" in UGC Sponsored National Seminar at Sarupathar College on 21st August 2009.
7. Presented a paper on "Open and Distance Learning System and its Impact on Higher Education" in KKHSOU Sponsored Zonal Seminar at JDSG College on 29th March 2010.
8. Presented a paper on "Student-Teacher Relationship: Its Significance and Contribution towards Quality Education" in ACTA Sponsored State Level Seminar at Sarupathar College on 29th March 2012.
9. Presented a paper on the title Marginalised Community and Ethnic Conflicts in Assam: A Study of Rabha Tribe in Goalpara District of Assam in ICSSR Sponsored International Seminar in Assam University on 18, 19, and, 20 March 2013.
10. Presented a paper on "Border, People and Conflict: The Frontiers of Northeast India" in ACTA Sponsored National Seminar at Sarupathar College on 29th and 30th September 2014.
11.  Presented a paper on "Immigration, Land Alienation, and Ethnic Violence in BTAD areas of Assam" in BISS Sponsored National Seminar at Majuli College on 11 and 12 October 2014.
12. Presented a paper on the title "Western Cultural Imperialism and Emergence of Conflict in Contemporary North East India: A Study on the Garo-Rabha Communities" in ICHR Sponsored National Seminar at Gauhati University on 22-23 February 2017.
13. Presented a paper on "The ethnic discourse of North East India: Migration, Co-existence and conflict" in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar at H.P.B. Girls' College on September 6 and 7, 2019.
14. Presented a paper on "Contribution of Dhansiri Sub-division in the Freedom Movement" in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on 11th and 12th March 2022 at Golaghat Commerce College.
15. Attended the XXXVIII All India Sociological Conference on 27, 28, and 29 December 2012 at Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
16. Attended an International Conference on the topic "Global Cultural and Spiritual Renaissance" on 11th and 12th October 2019 at Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar.
17. Presented a paper titled "The Third Gender: Marginalization and Survival Strategy" held on 27th and 28th June 2022 at Batadraba SSS College.
17. Presented a paper on "Freedom Movement in North East India: A Study on the unsung Heroes of Golaghat District" in ICHR sponsored National Seminar held on 12th and 13th September 2022 at Sarupathar College

Workshop Attended:

1.  Attended a year-long online 150-hour lecture series consisting of 100 lectures on the "Foundation of Indian Culture based on Sir Aurobindo's work delivered by Sri Diganta Biswa Sarma, along with 12 Guest Lectures by eminent Experts" organized by Assam University from December 5th, 2020 to December 25th, 2022
2.  Attended a workshop on  "Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) and SWAYAM held on 25 April 2019 at H.P.B. Girls' College.
3. Attended in a two-day workshop on "Open and distance learning with special reference to SWAYAM and MOOCs" held on the 1st and 2nd November 2021 at Sarupathar College.
4. Attended a workshop on "Tabulation, Moderation and question paper setting at the undergraduate level" held on 7th March 2022 at Furkating College.
5. Participated one-week ICSSR-NERC Sponsored National Workshop (online) on "Human Rights Education: Issues and Challenges in North East India" held from 7th August to13th August 2021 and organized by Centre for Ethnic Studies and Research, Guwahati in Collaboration with Moridhal College, Dhemaji College and Morigaon College.
6. One-weekeek faculty development programme on “ Behavioral Remodeling and use of ICT tools for classroom delivery of teachers” on 27 January-01 February at HPB girls college,Golaghat.
7. Workshop on “ Capacity building of academic counselor of KKHSOU” on 16-18th June,2020 at KKHSOU, Guwahati,Assam.