
Code of Conduct

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Sarupathar College, established on 14th November, 1970 and affiliated to Dibrugarh University, is situated in the Assam-Nagaland border areas of Dhansiri Sub-division in Golaghat district of Assam. Embellished by its divers ethnic groups with their rich cultural heritage, this can aptly called Assam in miniature.

Sarupathar College believes it to be its utmost priority to develop the mind, body and intellect of the students and thereby bring in all round development of selfhood. This institution belongs to a remote and rural area and thus it is a primary concern to make it a rural institution of excellence.  It endeavors to bring in prosperity and disseminate knowledge among this rural region which is mostly lagging behind in economic and literary spheres. The demographic pattern of students in this institution shows an assimilation of diverse ethnic and cultural identities. Consequently it becomes a place of cross cultural integrity and the student community is encouraged to respect all cultural identities while trying their best to work for the upliftment and preservation of their own cultural traditions. The institution aims at imparting knowledge, discipline and human values to its students coming from different walks of life and thereby makes them good citizens who can contribute towards nation building. The goal of this institution is to make higher education easily accessible and affordable for the country folk of the surrounding who are leading tough agrarian lifestyle.  

Since inception Sarupathar College has been known for its strict discipline. Apart from directing its endeavours towards academic development of the students, the college is also striving for co-curricular ,  moral, spiritual  and intellectual development of the students which will definitely result in overall personality development of students. The College gives importance in inculcating the soft skills in its students to enhance their employment potential.

The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff. The College Prospectus contains the code of conduct for various stakeholders. It is published annually, a few months in advance of the Admission of the new students. It lays down the vision and mission of the College to educate, enable and empower young students and to ensure that they adhere to human values, such as, diversity, integration, service towards community, awareness about heritage and history, environmental consciousness and values of citizenship. It prescribes Professional Ethics through insistence upon rules and regulations and ordinances that are necessary for maintaining the College Discipline and its Best Practices. The Code of Professional Ethics is contained in UGC Regulations and Gazettes published from time to time .

Core Values of the College

  • Mutual trust, team work, promotion of students belonging to socio-economically backward classes
  • Easy sharing of knowledge, skills and resources to create a vibrant society.

Code of Conduct


The Code of Conduct is formulated to

  • To ensure that the students and the employees act according to the rules, values, ethical principles and vision of the institution.
  • To provide to employees and students clarity on the expected standards and behaviour in the institution.
  • To empower employees to handle ethical dilemmas they encounter in everyday work.
  • To serve as a valuable reference, helping employees and students to locate relevant documents, services and other resources related to ethics within the organization. Policy Details The Code of Conduct is framed by the Management as per the vision, mission and core values of the institution.  The Code of Conduct guides the behaviour of students and all employees that include teaching, non-teaching, administrative staff, the Vice Principal and the Administrator.  The Code of Conduct acts as a central guide and reference for employees and students for regulating their behaviour.


  The Code of Conduct for students is mentioned in the College Prospectus. All the students are required to comply with the established Code of Conduct. The institution has a Discipline Committee as monitoring authority for administering the code of conduct among students and employees. The Discipline Committee comprises of the Administrator, the Vice Principal and the heads of the various departments. The Discipline Committee comprises will ensure that the students comply with the code of conduct. In case of any breach of Code of Conduct, the Staff Council and the Discipline Committee initiate appropriate disciplinary action.

Composition of Discipline Committee:

Chairman                                                         : Principal, Sarupathar College

Members                                                         : Vice Principal

                                                                          Heads of all departments

                                                                          College Librarian

                                                                          One senior most Office Employee

                                                                          Representative of Students’ Union





All the members of college fraternity should work within the institutional policies and practices so as to satisfy the vision and mission of the college. All members are responsible for protecting and taking reasonable steps to prevent the theft or misuse of, or damage to College assets including all kinds of physical assets, movable and immovable property. They should follow the rules and regulations of the College as prevalent from time to time. They shall devote their time and their best efforts for the progress of the College. Every member must be punctual, sincere and regular in their approach. They must attend all functions of the college as per the instructions of the college administration. There should be no iscrimination based gender/sexuality/age/marital status, disability or impairment (physical disability or medical status). The members should work in cooperation and collaborative manner with others through academic and administrative activities to achieve the goals. Every member should maintain the confidentiality regarding the College’s affairs and the affairs of its constituents and should not divulge, directly or indirectly, any information of confidential nature either to a member of the public or of the College’s staff, unless compelled to do so by a judicial or other authority or unless instructed to do so by a superior officer in the discharge of his/her duties.

Every member of the college fraternity will have to maintain the green and ravishing campus of the college. He/She must contribute towards the Green Practices and efforts taken by the college He/She must preserve the rich bio-diversity of the college and will have to maintain the clean and plastic-free environment of the college .Every member should co-operate in the initiatives taken by the college authority to reduce the energy intensity in the college campus.


  • All the students of the college are required to maintain a high standard of discipline and obey the rules and regulation of the college.
  • The students admitted to the college must abide by all rules and regulations as prescribed by the college authorities. Violation of rules, unsatisfactory progress, irregular attendance, irregular clearance of college fees, showing discourtesy to the teachers and other members of the staff in any form, adoption of unfair means during examination etc., are some of the offences which may make students liable for disciplinary action like imposition of fine, non-award of college certificate, forced transfer and even expulsion from the college.
  • All forms of ragging in the college campus are prohibited. Strong disciplinary action, as the college authorities deem fit, (following the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India) may be taken if anyone is found to be involved directly or indirectly in ragging.
  • UNIFORM : The following garments are prescribed as the College Uniform for the students (i) White shirt and black full pant for boys; and (ii) blue Kurta, white Pyzama and white Dopatta or white Chadar Mekhela with blue border and Blue blouse for girls. Every instance of violating the uniform will be penalized with a fine of Rs. 100/-
  • The courses offered by Sarupathar College are full time courses. No student can take any other full time course simultaneously.
  • Student societies and associations may be formed subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the college administration from time to time.
  • Only such societies and associations recognized by the Head of Institution can avail the facilities within college premises.
  • Any notice desired to be pasted or circulated by the students anywhere in the college premises needs approval of the college authority.
  • Use of mobile phones inside college campus is strictly prohibited. In case of detection of violating the rule, his or her guardian will be called for.
  • All powers of maintenance of discipline are vested with the Head of the Institution and his decisions are final in all matters.


Teaching is a noble profession. It shapes the character, calibre and future of an individual. He/ She can inspire, hope, ignite them and instill a love of learning among the students. Besides, the teachers have to:

  • Uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.
  • Provide an innovative and quality education to students.
  • Be impartial and non- discriminative against students.
  • Interact with the students in a friendly manner.
  • Abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.
  • Abide by the procedures to ensure student’s safety.
  • Collaborate with fellow teachers.
  • Be responsible and interact positively with guardians and other stakeholders in educating the students.
  • Be good counselors and facilitators
  • The work plan of College teacher should ensure, in the most productive manner, with regard to the roles, jobs and targets assigned to them by the Department/ College Office.
  • Whenever a Faculty Member intends to take leave, he/she should get the leave sanctioned in advance and with proper alternate arrangements made for class/ lab/ invigilation. In case of emergency, the HOD or the next senior faculty must be informed with appropriate alternate arrangements suggested.
  • The Staff should not involve himself/herself in any unethical practice while doing continuous assessment.
  • The Faculty Member must strive to prepare himself/ herself academically to meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so that the input may be useful for the student community at large.
  • Every Faculty Member should maintain academic record book/academic record file.
  • The teacher should use “Information Communication Technology (ICT)" for effective delivery of lectures
  • The faculty should take care of slow learner students and pay special attention to their needs in remedial coaching classes.
  • Every teacher has to obey the orders of the Administrator of the College.
  • Teachers must be aware that their workload is 40 hours a week even though their maximum class hours are only 16 a week for Associate professors and 18 hours per week for Assistant professors.
  • Teachers are expected to be present on the college campus at least 30 minutes before any Examination starts in the college campus for which his/her duty is assigned.
  • The prior intimation to the Administrator is required (at least a day in advance) while availing any leave.
  • Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
  • Teachers are expected to take up extra classes for students in the context of Career Oriented Programmes.
  • All department meetings of Teachers shall be held only after 2.30 p.m. and not during class hours. No department staff meeting should be held at the cost of class hours.
  • The College Authority expects all staff members to work as a team in institution-building and in upgrading our institution into one of Excellence in Higher Learning.
  • Each Department must conduct at least one/two meeting(s) every month.
  • No teacher shall organize meetings in the campus without permission from the Administrator.

Code of Conduct for Administrator

  • The Administrator will Chalk out a policy and plan to execute the vision and mission of the college. The Administrator will provide inspirational and motivational value-based academic and executive leadership to the institute through policy formation, operational management, optimization of human resources and concern for environment and sustainability
  • The Administrator will remain fair in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
  • The Administrator will always encourage all his staff and students to utilize their maximum potential.
  • The Administrator will monitor and manage to take remedial measures/actions based on stakeholders’ feedback.
  • The Administrator will ensure all his staff members and students to be remain aware of rules, policies, and procedures laid down by the college.
  • The Administrator will recommend and forward communication to the higher authority of the college (Governing Body).
  • The Administrator will take necessary action to execute qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare of the institution.
  • The administrator will ensure that the admission procedure will be transparent and as per guidelines of the government.
  • The Administrator will listen to the students’ ideas and will set up accordingly the supportive tone.
  •  The administrator should provide the effective academic and administrative leadership to the institution.
  • The principle of decentralization and participative management should be followed in the institutional practices.
  • The administrator should give proper representation considering social inclusiveness.
  •  The Administrator shall fulfill their lawful duties and obligations to the government and institution with integrity and loyalty.
  • The administrator should ensure welfare of staff and students.
  • The administrator should strictly follow the strategy of mobilization and optimal utilization of funds.
  • The Administrator should respect the rights of the colleagues and the students while performing his duties.
  • The Administrator shall take responsible action to protect students and staff from conditions harmful to health and safety.
  •  The Administrator should perform his/her duties in non-discriminatory manner.
  • The Administrator should maintain financial transparency and delivery.
  • The Administrator should make the utmost efforts to develop the institution in versatile manner.
  • The Administrator shall take responsible action to maintain educational ambience.
  • The Administrator should keep the interest of institute above the personal.

Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

  • Every staff has to obey the orders of the Administrator of the College.
  • Non-teaching staff will carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.
  • Non-Teaching staffs must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in the campus unless and otherwise they are assigned duties elsewhere.
  • The prior intimation to the Administrator is required (at least a day in advance) while availing any leave.
  • Non-Teaching staff shall not leave the College premises without permission before 4 p.m.
  • Every non-teaching Report to duty at least 30 minutes in advance.
  • All non-teaching staffs must maintain honesty, integrity, fairness in all activities.
  • All non-teaching staffs will respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration.
  • All non-teaching staffs will exercise self-discipline and restrain at all times and deal positively with staff, students and the general public.
  • All staffs will adhere strictly to the laws and regulations of the college.